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Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
GPC is a member of the PAGB and follows its principles.
The PAGB produces an e-mail newsletter, e-news....
The PAGB produces an e-mail newsletter, e-news....
Royal Photographic Society
The Royal Photographic Society exists to educate members of the public by increasing their knowledge and understanding of Photography and in doing so to promote the highest standards of achievement in Photography in order to encourage public appreciation of Photography.
Southern Counties Photographic Federation
The Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF) serves photographic clubs in the south of England and the Channel Islands, is a member of the PAGB and affiliated to the FIAP.
GPC is a member of the SCPF and competes in its competitions.
The Federation serves camera clubs and photographic societies in Hampshire and neighbouring parts of Sussex, Surrey, Berkshire, Wiltshire and Dorset, the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey.
GPC is a member of the SCPF and competes in its competitions.
The Federation serves camera clubs and photographic societies in Hampshire and neighbouring parts of Sussex, Surrey, Berkshire, Wiltshire and Dorset, the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey.
Want to replace or get a new camera, lens, etc?
DPReview is a leading photography equipment review and comparison site....
DPReview is a leading photography equipment review and comparison site....
While that simple method will yield a photograph, the shot has the potential to be so much better with a little digital photography knowledge. Or perhaps you’ve already mastered the basics and you’re looking for the latest tips and tricks or even a bit of inspiration. Either way – novice or experienced – you’re sure to find this guide of 40+ resources helpful.