Other images in this gallery

1st Nigel Byrom LRPS Motion Mind The Gap Study 7

2nd= Godfray Guilbert Motion Taking The Corner

2nd= Joanne Mahy Motion Croc Leap

4th Derek Bridel AFIAP, BPE2 Motion Roundabout

Chris Massey Motion Libby Entering St Peter Port

Ben Le Prevost Motion The Sea

Godfray Guilbert Motion Bramble

Brian Johnson Motion 2 Up 2 Down

David Le Prevost LRPS Motion Red Arrows

Derek Tostevin DPAGB, BPE1 Motion High Flyers

David Le Prevost LRPS Motion Kite Surfer

Carl Bideau Motion Bird In Flight

John Johnson Motion The Wave

Robin Millard Motion Rushing Waters

Chris Massey Motion Herm Pier Awash

John Johnson Motion Merry Go Round

Ben Le Prevost Motion Arty Farty Puffin

Nigel Byrom LRPS Motion Release Study 2

Joanne Mahy Motion Chase That Ball

Berni Kerrigan Motion Flying Boat

Derek Tostevin DPAGB, BPE1 Motion Riding The Wake

Brian Johnson Motion In

Derek Bridel AFIAP, BPE2 Motion Drops